Not only as a moisturizing agent, Coconut-oil is also a very good anti-aging product. Mix 4 drops of oil in vitamin-e capsule and massage with it for 15min and wash off with cold water.
Dip a cotton ball in coconut milk and wipe face with that cotton often.
Castor oil tightens skin. So take 2tsps of castor oil and mix a tsp lemon juice and massage it under eyes and around mouth. Massage gently using tip of the fingers.
Mix some flax seeds powder and honey apply it to face and neck. wash it off after 15min. Flax seeds( Avisa ginjalu in telugu) contains omega-3 which fights against wrinkles and honey works as a good moisturizer.
Mix Amla and honey and use it as a scrub. Scrub trice a week. Vitamin-c in Amla is very good for healthy skin.
Mix Papaya paste and 1tsp oat meal powder massage for 10min and wash off.
That's a nice post Akka...
Thnku swthrt!!
I think there are a few creams that contain some of these products and provide great results.
In my case the problem appeared when wrinkles took over my face.
Even if I tried the best anti aging products, my wrinkles were very pronounced and I couldn't get rid of them.
Only a botox session in Ottawa solved my problem, and even if I knew it's only a temporary solution, I went for it because it was the only one:)
Hey thanks for stopping by and sharing your veiws!! :)
Nice tips on anti aging and thanks for the natural home remedies that can be tried at home.
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